Brief history

Twenty five years ago Brian Costello from Trinity Christian Church had a burden for troubled young men. Brian met with other believers to pray and seek what God would have them do to help these men. Out of those prayer meetings came a vision for a home where troubled young men ages 18-30 could go and learn essential life skills and most importantly be given hope..  Helping a handful of young men each year to turn their lives around was the model that was then pursued from 1999  through to August 2017.

In 2017  the Board shifted to a new service delivery models that will help vulnerable youth and families connect with those best able to meet their needs on the Bruce Peninsula.  On March 1st 2018 we co-hosted a workshop on Homelessness on the Bruce Peninsula.  Over 30 reps from various community organizations came together to share how we could create a more vibrant thriving community.    After this meeting a more structured workshop was held in May 2018.    The Board also decided to better serve those with more difficult needs on the Peninsula who were simply falling through the growing gaps in local community services.  Their needs will be tackled through our Board partnering with like minded established Christian charities in Grey Bruce  such as the Wiarton Salvation Army, Saugeen Fellowship Baptist Church,  Youth Unlimited, the Nawash Food Bank, etc..

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